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Videos du FOSS4G par thème#

📆 Date de publication initiale : 08 novembre 2011

Mots-clés : FOSS4G | videos

FOSS4G-2011-Conference-Website_small.pngDepuis peu, les vidéos du FOSS4G 2011 sont en ligne. Malheureusement, celles-ci ne sont pas rangées par thématique ce qui rend la consultation un peu difficile. Mais en informatique rien n'est impossible. Un petit coup de Beautiful Soup, un soupçon de python et nous nous retrouvons avec une organisation déjà plus sympathique. Bon visionnage :


Tutorial: GeoServer Scripting with Python and RESTConfig

Enhancing the Use of Python in GIS and Remote Sensing

PyKML: Python KML Library


Accelerating remote sensing visualization with WebGL


geomap – A new, open-source JavaScript mapping API

Raphael.js: javascript vector graphics library for the web


PostGIS 2.0, the new stuff

Store, manipulate and analyze raster data within the PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial database

PostGIS Replication

Tips for the PostGIS Power User

State of PostGIS

Business Intelligence#

The Intersection of Geospatial and Business Intelligence

Open Source Business Intelligence (OSBI): Overview and Geospatial Enablement


Common pitfalls for users of OpenLayers

Regional Data Sharing with Drupal, Geoserver, and Openlayers


MapQuery and SVG charts: a powerful interface for aggregated data


Tutorial: GeoServer Scripting with Python and RESTConfig

Integration of GeoServer with NoSQL databases

Raster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments

Regional Data Sharing with Drupal, Geoserver, and Openlayers


WFS and SQL Injection

Critical Analysis of the WFS Transactional


Open Source LiDAR Visualization Using GRASS GIS

Using GRASS GIS to Calculate Potential Global Solar Irradiation Using Canopy Heights as a Base Elevation Layer to Assist in the Landscape Scale Characterization of Aquatic Habitats

Modeling of landslide-generated tsunamis with GRASS

Using GRASS and R for Landscape Regionalization through PAM Cluster Analysis


Tuning GDAL Raster Performance


A WPS Based Biogeography Tool for QGIS

Open Data#

Open Source, Open Data and Open Standards

A New Way of Open Data

Open Season: Open Standards, Open Source and Open Data in Ordnance Survey


A WPS Based Biogeography Tool for QGIS


GeoKettle, the open source spatial ETL tool : overview, new features and roadmap


MapFish Project: Status and Good Practices


Tutorial: Async. and Realtime Geo Applications with Node.js


Tutorial: Introduction to MapGuide Open Source - Demo

Tutorial: Introduction to MapGuide Open Source


Open Source LiDAR Visualization Using GRASS GIS

Lidar Data Structures - Octree Vs. Kd Tree

LiDAR Point Cloud Processing with libPC and libLAS

HydroLiDAR: A open source GIS towards accessing, visualization and modeling of LiDAR


HTML5 for Rich Geospatial applications on the web


Turning Data into Beautiful Maps


Map design, usability and interaction

Crowdsourcing Aerial Image Mapping with and Cartagen Knitter

Twenty webmapping tips, tricks and tools

Applying the Open Geo-Stack to Web-enabled Things

The Geo Data Portal: A spatial data infrastructure for integration of geographic and atmospheric

Bringing the oceans to life using OGC services and dynamic visualization

FalconView - Moving from DoD to Open Source

Defining a GIS: Essential GIS functions from users

Opticks: Releasing a government tool to the open source community

Google Maps this, GeoMoose that, what's a NonProfit to do?


Sol Katz Award Presentation


Real-Time, Web-Based Satellite Tracking

Managers, start your FOSS engines!

Adaptive Improvisation and the True Value of Open Source

Case Study Fukushima: Open Source Data Discovery in Disaster Management

Where OpenERP meets OSGeo

Wading Into Geospatial Open Source with Brian Timoney

Corporate FOSS Adoption – Managing Risk

Case Study: Disaster Response in the Gulf of Mexico - ERMA

Beyond Markers: a new approach to interactive realtime weather maps

Open Source Geospatial Software Powering Department of Defense Installation and Environment Business Systems

Managing Large Amounts of U.S. Army Imagery Data: Recommendations for Improving FOSS4G Imagery Solutions

The Nordic Open Source Initiative Network

My Life as an Open Source Developer

Wading Into Geospatial Open Source with Brian Timoney

Wading Into Geospatial Open Source with Peter Batty

Wading Into Geospatial Open Source with Tobin Bradley

Wading into business drivers for open source geospatial

Using Web GIS to Display Real-Time Rain/Stream Data with Potential Flood Impacts


Mapbender 3 - Where Are We Going?

Developing an Open Source Geospatial Solution for the Telecommunications Industry

Google Maps this, GeoMoose that, what's a NonProfit to do?

Overcoming Open Source and Proprietary Data Interoperability Challenges

From Project to Product to Open Source. Now What?

Web Mapping Performance Shootout

Earth Observation Scientific Workflows in a Distributed Computing Environment

The WISERD GeoPortal: A tool for the discovery of socio-economic research data in Wales

Who's Watching your Food: A Case Study for Environmental Health Monitoring

Advancing global marine biogeography research with open source GIS software and cloud computing

An Open Source Mapping Application for Hatchery Release Data in the Columbia River Basin

INTELIGEO - Geographic Intelligence System

Open Source Web Test Engine for Geospatial Standards

Advanced Cartography for the Web

Spatial Processing using JEQL

A better way to manage millions of map tiles

The new GeoData tool set: CouchDB and NodeJS

The State of GeoCouch

Shortest Path search for real road networks with pgRouting

Mod-geocache, a fast tiling solution for the apache web server

GeoScript - Spatial Capabilities for Scripting Languages

Dynamic Earth in GRASS7

Implementation, challenges and future directions of integrating services from the GIS and decision science domains: a case of Distributed Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation

Web geoservices and ancient cadastral maps: the Web C.A.R.T.E. project

GIS-based calibration of MassMov2D

An innovative web services based GIS architecture for global biogeographic analyses of species distributions

Open source based online map sharing to support real-time collaboration

Enabling Spatial Dynamics Modelling with Scalable Local Regression

Pivoting to monetize mobile hyperlocal social gamification by going viral in the cloud

Rumble: Communicate with your elephant

Why your product sucks



GeoAPI 3.0, Java interfaces as an OGC standard


Integration of GeoServer with NoSQL databases


Tutorial: PyWPS


Portait de GeoTribu GeoTribu

Toute l'actualité de la géomatique Open Source ! Mais aussi des tutoriels, des billets de blog, des tests et surtout une bonne humeur géographique !

Dernière mise à jour: 24 septembre 2021
Créé: 24 septembre 2021
Contributions à cette page : Julien Moura

Ce contenu est sous licence Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International


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